Welcome to the pebble

Welcome to the pebble

I am just a girl standing in front of the world asking you to love yourselves.

You didn't see that coming, did you?

But truly, I am. As I enter the 16th year of my blogging journey, I have come to understand that none of us, yours truly included, can serve our purpose in the world until we love ourselves.

But when we do, "watch out, world!" So, what began as my 38 and Growing Journey, and as continuing as "Shining Brightly" has begun something much bigger than I, and yet, so very little. Its called "the pebble".


I am sharing this project because it is more than me. Like the ripples growing pebbles cast across the water, it grows bigger the further it gets from the source. I see it as a movement of happiness and joy (now who couldn't use more of that?) and I hope you will join me and your ripples to our tsunami of positivity. 


So, what's your pebble?

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