Serve up a Ripple
Today is the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday celebration. There are no new words I can add to this man's legacy or divine leadership. I can only say that much of what has become "the pebble" was from reading and listening to his words.
As I thought on my word "Ripples", I looked to see if that word was to be found among his troves. While not, I rediscovered this beauty and looked anew. What a better reminder of how the seemingly little can become great. Being a preacher, it was almost a reminder of Jesus washing feet, but to all faiths, it is a call to see the greater beyond oneself.
So here, in just a clip of his own words...

Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968
There is no limit to who can and cannot be great in this world. It is not limited by birth, beauty, class, race, or wealth, despite all advertising to the contrary. It is only limited by your belief and your definition of greatness. Every one of us can challenge negative norms, change others' lives for the better, and move the needle of the world toward positivity by finding what it is that makes us tick and doing it with abandon. That passion and joy will fill our cup to overflow and not fail to spill goodness and joyful wealth to others daily. That is a form of service that cannot be matched and your greatness will fulfill you beyond your dreams.
You will never find it, however, if you stay stuck believing that greatness is something outside yourself that you chase. It's not behind a promotion, a raise, an address, or a title. You may receive all of those wonderful things in the process, but they are the whipped cream, not the prize. You living the life you were meant for; the one that brings both you and the people you touch bounty and light, that is what it is to "be the pebble". The ripples of good you make in that life will be beyond counting.
I know that is my hope for life and I wish it for yours, as well.
If you would like to join the pebble journey.