What’s the Vision for Your Life? Want to Lovet?  - Creating a Vision Board

What’s the Vision for Your Life? Want to Lovet? - Creating a Vision Board

For some time now, I have been saying, that I want to do a Vision Board, I am also, a true believer in things coming to you when you need them. Earlier this summer Lovet Planners offered me a Vision Book and Planner. Those of you who have followed me the last few months know that these have been cha Let’s find our vision together! This week, we entered the fourth quarter and my brain started screaming. “That can’t be possible!” “NOOOO Way” “How the doo-d0-lee-doo (not really what I said) did that happen? We were gifted a candy slime pack for the purpose of this review.
All opinions are mine. It is my Universe, after all.
For some time now, I have been saying, that I want to do a Vision Board, I am also, a true believer in things coming to you when you need them. Earlier this summer Lovet Planners offered me a Vision Book and Planner. Those of you who have followed me the last few months know that these have been challenging with both my mother and father having been ill. I had felt a loss of direction in both my personal and professional life. In other words, the timing was just right. At the front of the book is this quote and it couldn’t be more right for where I am right now. It’s a beginning. That is the great reminder. Any day can be a beginning, We don’t have to wait for any special date - it doesn’t have to be the first of a month or a Monday or any other marker on a calendar. Every day is a gift and a chance to start again. The book and the graphics walk you through a path to finding that vision. If you are like me and need to take that walk, I highly recommend the planner. And guess what? I have a set to share. I will send a lovet Vision Book and Vision Board Graphics book to one of my followers. Simply leave a comment and tell me one thing you see on your vision board. Giveaway closes 11:59 Sunday 10/15/2023
Open to US Residents ONLY Thank you to Lovet Vision Planners for the Two sets of Vison Books & Graphics allowing me to try one for myself and share one with my readers. It is truly appreciated. 

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