Thrift Stories - Why I Love Thrifting, and You Should, Too

Thrift Stories - Why I Love Thrifting, and You Should, Too

I love thrifting. It is more than the item to wear is the pride I feel in acquiring it. The better the quality and the lower the price, the bigger the high I feel.

I mean, who needs drugs when you can get a like-new Ready-to-Wear (RTW) Stella McCartney dress for under $20? And that is much cheaper than any habit.

It has multiple values, though. It is sustainable consumerism. When I buy secondhand, it is one less item in a landfill and one less item purchased new.

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It is my Universe, after all.

Thrift with me

So yes, almost everything I buy is secondhand - clothing, decorating items, even pieces of furniture. Not being a minimalist by nature and having a love for luxurious things, thrifting allows me access to shine brightly in my wardrobe, if you will. 

Now, I enjoy going into stores and finding hidden gems, but that can feel daunting or frankly, "yucky" to some. If that is the case for you, shopping online like in my video above, is a great way to go. 

polaroid of woman posing in black cocktail dress

For clothing, my number one place to shop is They carry a wide range from mall brands to RTW designers. I also use for purses, shoes, art, and household items. I have shared other stories here.

Do you thrift? What items do you like to purchase secondhand?

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