The Olympic Five Rings of the Pebble

The Olympic Five Rings of the Pebble

So we come to the end of our Olympic Rings series and I promised you a surprise for Ring Five. For the 5th ring, I wish for you to keep the torch lit! Keep the all the fun and games, kindness, but especially showing up.

Keep showing up!

I know this spring, I was hiding. No more. Join me in putting myself out here more. With or without makeup. Good hair days. BAD hair days. Let's show up for each other. That's a lot of what "the pebble" is about. The power of the "together". See you there! Or here. 

 I truly believe that by letting go of perfection and supporting each other, we can make a real positive difference here on the internet and in the world. Let's keep the torch burning and pass the message on. See you here! Or there. Everywhere.

How will keep torch passing?

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