Go for a Walk

Go for a Walk

Some days there is nothing more inspiring than just a walk in your own city.

Back in my early blogging days, I participated in what were called "Carnivals," where we linked up to share our posts of that week. One of my favorites of those carnivals was hosted by my friend, Claudya on her first blog, Unknown Mami, which is now known as byClaudya. It was called Sundays in My City. The point was to take a deeper look at your own town and appreciate the place you live.

I participated back on my first blog, 38andGrowing, and for several years here on Star.

Yesterday, I decided to do it again. Here I am in the center of my city, Buffalo. I am feeling pretty good about it.

woman standing in front of monument in circle
woman standing in front of monument
Do you ever take walks in your city?

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