Baby, It's Cold Outside

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Something I have come to know well in Buffalo is snow.

From our first snowman...

3 filmstrip style photos capturing a woman in the snow making a snowman
To our first Christmas, also known as Snowcapolypse 2022...
A post blizzard snowscape with the 8 ft deep snow fully covering the street  
To everything between...
woman standing in coat
But this last week was extra cold. It was our first time experiencing below-zero FAHRENHEIT wind chills. That was definitely new for this Texas transplant. That said. We really have come to love the winters here. The snow is beautiful and I love the crisp air.

It's Snow Joke (Just a Bad Pun)

Having four seasons is different for us. When we moved here, I was most concerned about the winters. What I have learned is I love snow. LOVE it! I hate cold rain. Our first winter was the former—lots of snow, but lots of sun. Last winter was the opposite and it was harder. We struggled with the appropriately monikered SAD - Seasonal Affected Disorder.  Coming from years of living on an island, a winter of mostly gray skies and bitter cold rain was very hard. So, while we are happy with our decision to move here over two years ago, we are still adjusting.
This winter, happily, is more of the sunny snowy sort. 

What are your winters like? Are you pro-snow? Or no?

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