Goodbye and Hello...
This post was originally published here.
So today is the year anniversary of 38 and Growing. And it is my last full post. It is time to say goodbye to this stage of my journey. I am not abandoning the blogging world (you can't get rid of me that easily, she says maniacally!). But I am no longer 38, though I am always growing, and I am moving on to my own universe. Thank you to all of you who joined with me in this process. It became so much more than I dreamed. I feel like Marsha Mason at the end of one of my favorite corny '70s movies, The Goodbye Girl, when she realizes that she isn't alone and more importantly, will never be alone. I am not alone. I know that now. And this blog has been a part of me learning that.
No Goodbye Girl, here...
I hope that you won't be saying goodbye either. I hope you will join me at my new website, A Star In My Own Universe. My beautiful friend, Lee, built it for me -- I went all Wordpress on y'all! Tomorrow is the official launch and I hope to see you there!
Until then, you know I couldn't leave you without one of my equally corny favorite songs.
-The Goodbye Girl by David Gates formerly of Bread)